Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rex, King of the Ducks

On my first day I wandered over to the koi pond, the centerpiece of the Abbey's grounds, and this giant mallard who rules the pond waddled after me, quietly quacking all the way. I sat under a cotton wood tree to meditate and enjoy the silence. Rex stood next to me, looking over the pond with me, as if he too were seeing it for the first time. I have never seen such a friendly, fearless and social duck, but then, this is an extrordinary place. I thought, 'what does he want? Maybe he wants me to pet him', and I slowly reached my left hand out over his back...and he slowly sidestepped my hand, turned to me and said, Quack Quack Quack. I said, OK, and proceeded to mind my own business. He came back close to my chair, folded his feet under him and sat down next to me, and we meditated together on the pond, the koi fish, and the cottonwood fluff falling like snow on the water.

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